Je suis chez moi.

Hurrah! After a tough second half of Phase 2 (’twas pretty horrid), then that blasted infection (even horrider: the Monday it kicked in was probably the most unpleasant day I’ve had), an even stronger aversion to hospital food, much bed-swapping, nasty side-effects from the antibiotics and a great difficulty in sleeping well (the antibiotics often didn’t finish til 1am, and until then needed to be replaced and flushed a couple of times at least; observations still happened at 2am and 6am; then the new cleaner had a propensity to switch on the main light at 8am so she could replace the bin liner, and would then leave it on; I often needed to dash to the bathroom several times in the night; my room was noisier – though this was nice in many ways as I felt much less isolated), it is brilliant to be out. It was all a bit rough, though fortunately not quite so rough as to dampen a stout young fellow’s spirits too much.

It’s good to be able to blog again too – sorry I’ve failed to do so for a while but thank you so much Daddy for keeping everyone updated. My energy levels were very low and the thought of picking up my computer, turning it on, loading it up and typing wore me out in itself… I managed to get out of the room and get a bit more exercise towards the end of this stay (many thanks to Gobby for forcing me to get out of bed when I was terrified it would hurt), so am feeling stronger than I did when I got home last time. My neutrophils are pretty high – around 3 I think (apparently normal is between 4 and 11, not 1.8 as I formerly thought) – so bugs aren’t quite such a danger as last time; my white cell count is up to 4, well above the 3 necessary for the next stage; I can’t remember what my haemoglobin level is, but think and assume it’s ok; my platelets are still very down, though, somewhere in the 20s, and I need to be up to 100 before the next lot of chemo.

I’ll explain over the next couple of days about the next stage; I’ll tell you my autograft vs chemo dilemma; I’ll ask Adam whether I can post a link to some cool photos on his site of me and some of my beautiful friends; and I’ll try to make up for my recent lack of posts…

I hope everyone’s well – thank you again so much for comments, letters, cards etc, which really do help so much to keep life looking cheerful!

13 thoughts on “Woo-yippididoo-la-la!

  1. Hi Darling George,

    My goodness you have been through such an ordeal over the past few months but are still amazingly upbeat and chirpy, you are a true inspiration to us all. We missed you loads at Aunty Val’s funeral, but I assure you were very much included in conversation all day and thoughts. Me, Harriet and Duncan drove back to London that evening, was lovely to have Harri to stay and catch up.

    Not much to report on the dalglish front. Work is really busy and keeping me entertained at all times, no fun, but a skiing hol coming up in march with a few friends plus sandy and charles so should be nice.

    Will very much hope to see you soon and find out where you are so can come and say hi and annoy you!

    Take care, Lots of love Marie-Soph x x x x

  2. Great stuff George, both your exit and your (amazing) high spirits. There was a beautiful kingfisher on my run this morning so I had a good chat with Liz (your Dad will explain). Just back at work after Chinese New Year holiday – Singapore Rapplets have rest of week off.
    Lots and lots of love,

  3. Podge Podge Podge

    I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am you are feeling better and that revolting disgusting infection has buggered off. No idea what you meant about my bath. Can’t quite believe you are Alice in Wonderlanding yourself. Loving your platelets, your immune system, well in fact just you.

    Lovin you
    SHLB x x

  4. Hey George!

    Great to see you doing your own posting again! Liking the number direction too babe. Have been watching your blog carefully, posting a comment to most fresh entries, (you’re likely feb up of my innane chatter by this point, well hard cheese!) & now my Mum & some friends are asking for you all the time too! See, you’re such a charmer you can even win people’s hearts through a computer! Enjoy home & keep number-crunching!


  5. HURRAH!!!!!!!!!! Excellent that you have finally made in back to sunny Southbourne!!!!! I hope that as you read this you can smell bacon frying and that the boiler is fixed and keeping you warm and cosy.
    I’m shacked up in the staff computer room at Kendrick-I don’t have my own desk so am a bit of a nomad which makes getting down to work a bit harder but so be it! Very excited that I’ll hopefully be seeing you soon.
    Bear hugs,
    Robyn x x x

  6. George, la mia giornata non poteva cominciare meglio!!!!!!!!!!!Davvero inutile cercare di spiegarti quanto mi renda contenta il fatto che tu sia finalmente a casa…mi colma il cuore di gioia…si gioia allo stato puro!
    scontato anche dirti che mentre leggevo il tuo post avevo il sorriso a 5.000.000 di denti…:-))))))))))))))))))))))
    Beh…bando alle ciance,ti abbraccio forte forte forte forte

    Con affetto


  7. George,

    so great to hear that you are out and in good spirits. Still planning to write to you, but you know what I’m like! Was telling someone the other day about the Exam Paper on the door incident – it still makes me laugh / cry!

    Take care and enjoy bacon sarnies and home.


    Chris xx

  8. Hi George,
    Thank God Almighty you’re Free At Last, as the man said. Hope home is feeling a warm, safe & happy place. Power to your elbow. In fact power to every bit of you,
    love & prayers,
    Gemma cj

  9. Hi!
    Lots to tell you but this is a short message we are all having a week off from school(chinese new year)its great to hear that you are home! yesterday we all went sailing and grace and me had a fun time sailing around in a pico!
    lots of love

  10. George,
    Just wanted to say hi and glad you beat the nasty bugs. Hope your stay at home is doing you good. Am keeping a distant eye on your bro here in Exeter, saw him in the library quite a bit which was quite a supprise to both of us. (i’m not known for my attendance in the library).
    All the best and keep going!

  11. GReat news George after such an awful time, you really are an amazing young man as you keep such high spirits in this rotten time. We are all thinking and are pleased that you have now managed to get home to Dad, to enjoy some time with him. Glad the boiler was repaired as I remember that it can be so cold in February.
    Lots of love Melanie and the Enderby’s

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