Were I as orderly as I like the world to be in general, I'd have posted two days ago, on Day +31, as I had a rare combination of both news and a time-relevant theme to write about. However, I'm pleased to say that the news – that I was out of hospital again – meant I … Continue reading Days +31 to +33: You’re only as old as…
Days +20 to +22: Going the distance
Mariacristina was off work on Monday, having traded it for working on Sunday to keep social media updated with the progress of runners in the London Marathon raising money for CAFOD, the charity where she works. They included Tom Jarvis, the youngest participant this year, who turned 18 just two days before the event. I am in … Continue reading Days +20 to +22: Going the distance
Days +17 to +19: On parole
When I reached a point in my leukaemia treatment the first time around where I was able to get out and about and look to start working again, going back to my old job at Literary Review wasn't going to work out very well, not least because my replacement was doing fabulously and resources at the magazine were limited. In addition, … Continue reading Days +17 to +19: On parole
Day +11: Show and tell (but mostly show)
1. I said last night we'd celebrate the last few hours of Day +10 ("engraftment day"). And we did. 2. Oh yes, my hair started falling out to a serious degree yesterday; rather than let it get patchy, we thought it time to take to the clippers. 3. Today (Day +11), Fred came up to Tooting... … Continue reading Day +11: Show and tell (but mostly show)
Day +10: Expectation management
About a week ago, a clearly excited transplant fellow Dara poked his head around my door and told me, among other things, that the lady in the room three doors down from mine had engrafted on Day +10. A few days later, he told me she was going home. On the one hand, it was … Continue reading Day +10: Expectation management
Day +8: Ice cream, cars and mucositis
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri2YxP-lR24 A quick summary of the video, for those who can't (or can't be bothered to) watch it: Hello... Day +8... no biblical plagues... mucositis worsening... hard to swallow... soup and ice cream... palatial room... opposite nurses station... night-time chatter... good for gossip... getting farther away from Day +0... hopefully engraftment soon... earliest would be Day +10... … Continue reading Day +8: Ice cream, cars and mucositis
Day +2: Chauffeur-driven service
It's probably my fault for being just too British and hesitant to kick up a fuss, but I often end up being wheeled down to scans etc in a chair, despite my continuing ability and desire to walk using my own two legs. The problem is, once a porter has made the effort to locate first a … Continue reading Day +2: Chauffeur-driven service
Day +1: Post-transplant-party wanderings
When I mentioned to the doctor this morning that I had been a bit slow in getting out of bed this morning, she said it was no surprise, as the empty bottle of bubbly (elderflower pressé), huge balloon behind my bed, party hats stuck to the wall and party streamers scattered across the room showed we'd … Continue reading Day +1: Post-transplant-party wanderings
Day 0: Transplant party time
There are many important days in one's life, but some stick in the memory more clearly than others. I have a feeling today will be one of them, as I received the donor cells I need to build my immune system and give myself the best chance possible to keep those nasty lymphoblasts away. So, … Continue reading Day 0: Transplant party time
Time flies when you’re having… a transplant
Somehow we've reached Day -2 in my treatment plan, so my stem cell transplant is taking place very soon indeed. I've got through five days of Fludarabine without much to complain about – and was even allowed out to continue my and Mariacristina's efforts to eat as much good food as possible in the shortest … Continue reading Time flies when you’re having… a transplant