Vi devo chiedere scusa -- ieri ho scritto un messaggio interamente in inglese per spiegare la storia del mio ritorno in ospedale, e solo ora sto aggiugendo l'equivalente in italiano! Sfortunatamente scrivo piu' lentamente in italiano. Allora... Cos'e' successo? Inizialmente, in 2005 sono stato diagnosticato con la leucemia acuta linfoblastica (acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, ALL); ho … Continue reading Cosa sta succedendo?
What’s going on? Leukaemia? Eh?
My first post was a bit abrupt and didn't really explain very much, and having forgotten that I'd linked the blog to Facebook, I realise it will have left lots of people wondering what's going on. Much as I might love to cultivate an air of mystery, this probably isn't the time or place, so... … Continue reading What’s going on? Leukaemia? Eh?
Here we go again! Eccoci di nuovo qui!
Five and a half years (ish) since the end of my treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, I'm back in Tooting at St George's Hospital to fight the bugger again. Cinque anni e mezzo dalla fine del mio trattamento per la leucemia acuta linfoblastica, mi trovo di nuovo all'ospedale di San Giorgio a Tooting per combattere … Continue reading Here we go again! Eccoci di nuovo qui!
A satisfying letter
I remember St George's asking me once whether I wanted copies of the letters they send to my GP every now and then. I said yes, thinking they might be interesting, and it proved to be a good decision. Here's the last one I had, which I've been meaning to put up because it's quite … Continue reading A satisfying letter
In case anyone’s still out there…
You might be interested to hear that I'm hopefully going to be finishing my Maintenance treatment very soon indeed. I'm seeing my consultant on 7th February, and I think she'll declare that the end, or let me run on until the end of February. The end of Maintenance, of course, means the end of chemo, … Continue reading In case anyone’s still out there…
Harriet’s Ball for Leukaemia Research!
PS I'm very well! 2 more weeks of work at Training For Life, then I start my Masters at Goldsmiths on 1st October. I have a bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday (booooooo) but otherwise all is fine medically! Still on chemo tablets, and one more lot of intravenous and intrathecal, but still hoping to finish … Continue reading Harriet’s Ball for Leukaemia Research!
Great cause; great party
Well, my birthday celebrations are all over, and it's time to wonder where the next party is...And I'll tell you! It's for a GREAT cause, and it will be a GREAT night. This is what it is:The Three Peaks PartyParty the night away in Infernos and raise money for the NfA at the same time...Start … Continue reading Great cause; great party
25, employed, housed and healthy
Happy birthday to me! This birthday is a little different from last year's (scroll down), not just because I'm turning 25 instead of 24.The job's still great - and they got me cake! Not as many balloons as last year, admittedly, but I have various celebrations planned this year. It's wonderful to be celebrating my … Continue reading 25, employed, housed and healthy
Back to life?
Life is remarkably 'normal' at the moment. That's probably why I haven't posted in over a month. But if you're still reading, here's a quick update, and I'll try to expand as soon as I get a moment.I've moved to Balham and am living with a couple of friends from uni, and a couple of … Continue reading Back to life?
Sedation and bone marrow biopsies
Yesterday I had a bone marrow biopsy - my first for quite a while. It probably shouldn't have been so long since the last one, but I'm not the sort of person to ask for a bone marrow, as I find them horrible. Of the first four, I had 2 under sedation, and 2 not, … Continue reading Sedation and bone marrow biopsies