I've been slowly getting through some of the more important things that I've done / been to over the past month or so, and have finally reached what might be the most exciting news...I may have mentioned on this blog that I was going for an interview, but I was a bit coy about what … Continue reading The most exciting news
My fazher!
Following on remarkably coherently from my last post, I thought I'd encourage you to help my father raise money for the new Cancer Day Unit at St Richard's Hospital... Or, as he put it:Excuse me emailing you with a begging bowl, but I am raising money for St Richard's Hospital Charitable Trust in recognition of … Continue reading My fazher!
Same same, but different
I had harboured a crazy hope that I might get through the whole of the Maintenance therapy without having to spend any more time as an inpatient, and was doing pretty well on that count, my body managing to deal with any little sniffles I've had since December. However, just before Easter I developed sniffles … Continue reading Same same, but different
Charlie Allen RIP
Just over a week ago I attended a memorial service for Charlie Allen, who died recently of cancer. He was 20, and though I didn't have much chance to get to know him, we had a lot of common, and had bumped into each other at the Marsden in Sutton. Our families (particularly parents) had … Continue reading Charlie Allen RIP
A marathon for bone marrow!
My lovely friend Jessica Otte is running the London Marathon (this Sunday) for the Anthony Nolan Trust, and you can sponsor her at http://www.justgiving.com/jessicaotte - there are at least three very good reasons to do this:1. The Anthony Nolan Trust (which I have mentioned before, albeit a long time ago) is a wonderful cause - … Continue reading A marathon for bone marrow!
Keep up, keep up
Well, the vinblastine has been fine so far - possibly because we forgot the steroids (prednisolone), which I was meant to have at the same time as the chemo (for 5 days)... It's delightful not to have a sore jaw etc, because I felt really rubbish last time. I'm now on the second day of … Continue reading Keep up, keep up
It's probably about time I posted again, and excitingly there's even a slight change to my medical routine to tell you about. The time for my three-monthly chemo arrived last Tuesday (6th), but one of the counts from my liver function was pretty high, and seemingly getting higher. The doctors decided it was probably a … Continue reading Vinblasted
My Celebrity Look-alikes
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from MyHeritage.com. Get one for yourself.
Say it with beers
There has been a fair bit going on in my life, but I'll try not to bore you too much with ALL the details. As my dabbling with leukaemia is the main reason almost all of you are reading this, I think that takes priority in my ramblings...All continues to go well. I'm still having … Continue reading Say it with beers
Howard Norton, finally caught behind for 92
We talk about 'a good innings', and Granpa's time out in the middle was definitely one for the life equivalent of Wisden. I shan't extend the metaphor too far (I may have done so already), but suffice with the announcement that Granpa (my father's father) died a week ago in hospital. I was lucky to … Continue reading Howard Norton, finally caught behind for 92