Another week, another blood test, and this week's hospital visit was enhanced by a dose of Pentamadine. Pentamadine is given through a nebuliser (which pumps air or oxygen through a liquid medicine to turn it into a vapour, which is then inhaled), and is to protect me from getting pneumonia. I think. The blood results … Continue reading Blood, books and babes
2007, eh?
This might be a record for not posting, which is particularly impressive considering at New Year I vaguely resolved to post more regularly... Too vaguely, no doubt. The usual excuses apply: I've been far busier than I should have been, and far lazier than I should have been, too. But now I'm back!Christmas was, as … Continue reading 2007, eh?
Happy happy Christmas!
We (Norton père, little Harriet, Federico and I) are heading towards Midnight Mass - this means I have a little reception, so thought it would be a good opportunity to wish everyone a fabulously merry Christmas! Have a great day and enjoy the festive fun. I'm enjoying it doubly, having slept for most of the … Continue reading Happy happy Christmas!
The price of a name
From the BBC News website:Jimmy Choo - most famous for its shoes - claimed the £9.50 M&S satin handbag was uncannily similar to its £495 silk satin Cosmo evening bag. I'm sorry, but I just can't understand how people can pay £495 for a bag, when an 'uncannily similar' one costs £9.50.Here are some of … Continue reading The price of a name
The busiest time of the year?
What happened to December?! I had planned to take it easy, relax and not do anything. However, I seem to have been really busy. Whoops! Actually, it's been great, particularly as I don't feel I've been overdoing it. I've done lots because I've felt able to do lots, and when I haven't been feeling so … Continue reading The busiest time of the year?
Where’s George?
For all those keen followers of this blog you may be pleased to hear that George has been located, having far too much fun to post on his blog. First I spotted him at the 'Bad sex awards party' over a week ago and now he is sitting in front of us drinking wine. He … Continue reading Where’s George?
The colour supplement!
Having not been able to upload photos to the blog for a while, it's about time I put an end to all those rows of words, words, words, and got a bit of colour in here. So here are some highlights from the past however long...This is me and Mariacristina, who was one of our … Continue reading The colour supplement!
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment.Today I was discharged, and that brought a close to the long intensive part of my treatment. Next step is Maintenance, which is done as an outpatient, and is a lot easier. For months I've been treating this moment as something to aim for, and it really hit … Continue reading Maintenance
To infinity and beyond
My neutrophils, 0.0 on Sunday, have been rocketing up, reaching 0.6 by Tuesday! Naturally this is great news, and hopefully means escape over the next couple of days. One antibiotic has been stopped, and all in all I'm well.Unfortunately, though, my hair seems to be falling out again at last! It is unfortunate because currently … Continue reading To infinity and beyond
A few posers (no, not Make Me a Supermodel)
From a distance, is Paul Simon actually George Bush? And while we're at it, does anybody have diamonds on the soles of their shoes? I'd love to meet them, if only to ask why. And finally, what kind of a song lyric is 'I can be your bodyguard, and you can be my long-lost pal... … Continue reading A few posers (no, not Make Me a Supermodel)