Day +7: Blood arrives with the plagues of Egypt

I'm not sure whether it's something I've provoked, but there's been a run of events over the past few days that have started to resemble the plagues of Egypt, which is slightly concerning considering the originals included frogs, dead livestock and the massacre of the first-borns. We're not quite at that level, fortunately, but it's a … Continue reading Day +7: Blood arrives with the plagues of Egypt

Day +4: A flying guide to anticipating side-effects

My brother-in-law Duncan has a grand passion for creatures of all shapes and sizes, and his talent for and love of birdwatching have resulted in his spending many a cold, wet morning peering through binoculars to spot and count his feathered friends. Fortunately the cold, wet mornings are fewer now he lives in Malaysia rather than Scotland. When … Continue reading Day +4: A flying guide to anticipating side-effects